
Owner of Flip and Shout Competitions, LLC.  I have been involved with cheerleading since the age of 16 when I was a high school cheerleader.  I continued my cheerleading career as a 4-year collegiate varsity cheerleader.  Cheerleading has opened so many doors and provided me with numerous opportunities.  My experience with competitions ranges from taking teams as competitors to judging to hosting.  My judging resume combines local, regional, national and international events ranging from very small to the absolute largest events in the world including the 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022 USASF/IASF World Championships. 

Additionally, I had a coaching opportunity in Denmark for the 2010/2011 Season.

 My background with hosting events started back in 1990 when I organized and hosted the American Schools in Spain National Championships. 

Realizing that I could organize and efficiently run an outstanding event and also seeing the need for “quality” All Star Competitions in Colorado, the company Flip and Shout was created.  Flip and Shout hosted the first ever Colorado All Star State Championship in 2004 and is now a staple among competitions for All Stars in Colorado recently passing its 13th annual event in 2016.  This exclusively All Star event is designed to provide All Star Gyms in Colorado a national caliber event right in their back yard and in 2012 Dance be introduced.

As of April 2017, I am now a current director for the British Cheerleading Association as well as remaining owner of Flip and Shout Competitions.

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